ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا
ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا
ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا
سلب مسئولیت: این فهرست تنها به عنوان نمونه و راهنمایی ارائه شده است. برای اطلاعات دقیق از شرایط و دستورالعمل نگارش بیانیه هدف (SOP) دانشگاه مورد نظرتان، به سایت آن دانشگاه مراجعه فرمائید.
[accordion title=”Carleton University, Canada”]
Carleton University Graduate Application
Sprott School of Business: Master of Business Administration
Statement of Purpose.
Because box score ratings do not always provide a complete description of an applicant's potential, you are expressly invited to add any further comments which you think may be relevant. Using the space below (on additional sheets, or letterhead, if desired) please make any remarks that could assist us in our evaluation of the applicant's potential for graduate studies and research.
[accordion title=”Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Canada”]
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Graduate Application
Statement of Purpose.
Describe your experience in the field of study chosen. Students with at least three years’ work experience in their chosen field are advised to submit a curriculum vita. Additionally, please provide information on the desired field of specialization (as per section 8) or project in which you wish to study (append a separate sheet)
Letters of Recommendations.
Three letters of recommendation (Application Report on post-graduate applicants), including at least one from the dean, a research director or a professor from your previous institute.
[accordion title=”McGill University, Canada”]
McGill University Post Graduate Application
Applicant Statement.
Briefly describe your previous experience (research, educational, extracurricular, work), career goals and any special circumstances that should be taken into consideration.
Graduate Applicants: indicate at least two referees
Dentistry Applicants: indicate two referees (at least two science professors)
Dental Residents: indicate three referees (one from your dental school Dean and two from dental professors)
Medicine Applicants: indicate three referees (at least one should be a university/college professor)
Law Applicants: indicate at least two referees (preferably recent professors)
Faculty of Dentistry
Autobiographical Letter.
The autobiographical letter must be written by the applicant. The applicant must comply with the following instructions to ensure consideration of the autobiographical letter. It can be up to three pages in length - but no longer, the text must be double spaced on 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper with one-inch margins. There can be no more than 25 lines per page, regular, easy-to-read fonts - not smaller than12 pitch - should be used. The pages can only be stapled together in the left-hand corner and not bound in any other fashion. Letters that fail to meet the above criteria will not be read.
[accordion title=”McMaster University, Canada”]
McMaster University Graduate Application
Medical School Application
Autobiographical Submission.
The autobiographical submission is part of the application and must be completed according to the instructions. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of the applicant. Applicants should be aware that the same reader may not be scoring all of your questions and therefore you should answer each question as an individual question and not build upon your previous responses.
The autobiographical submission consists of these five questions:
۱٫ Describe your current medical career aspirations (family physician versus specialist versus research/academic) and describe any life experiences that have influenced your career aspirations.
۲٫ What different course(s) of action have you considered in the past in order to improve your collaboration abilities? How has or will that course(s) of action enhance your collaboration abilities?
۳٫ Describe a previous job, extracurricular or volunteer experience and its influence upon your wish to become a physician.
۴٫ Knowing that gaining a position in medical school is extremely difficult, what other educational programs or fields of employment have you considered? Please include a description of specific actions that you have taken to explore such alternative goal(s).
۵٫ Much of the medical program at McMaster is small group problem-based learning. Have you had any experience with this type of learning and, if so, what aspects of this style of learning have you enjoyed and what aspects have you not enjoyed? If you have not experienced problem-based learning, why do you believe that you will be able to thrive in this environment?
Please provide us your assessment of the applicant' s potential for graduate work. As part of that, specific indications of accomplishments to date or comparisons with other students who have come to McMaster would be most useful. (A typed reply would be appreciated. If that is not possible, please ensure that the written reply is legible.)
DeGroote School of Business: MBA
Evaluation Forms.
Evaluation forms to be completed by two individuals who can supply information relating to the applicant's ability to complete the MBA program successfully.
۱٫ How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? Please be specific
۲٫ What are the applicant’s most outstanding abilities or characteristics?
۳٫ What are the applicant’s most noticeable weaknesses?
۴٫ Please rate the applicant on the table below. To what reference groups (e.g. student, employee) are you comparing the Applicant?
[accordion title=”Queens University, Canada”]
Queens University Graduate Application
Medical School Application
Autobiographical Submission.
۱٫ Why do you wish to become a physician?
۲٫ Explain how your development and previous experiences have contributed to your suitability to becoming a physician.
۳٫ Explaining your choice as it relates to the study and practice of medicine, expand on one area described in the autobiographic sketch that demonstrates your sensitivity to others and the ability to form team relationships.
۴٫ In relation to your anticipated study & practice of medicine, describe one area from your background that shows your ability for self-directed learning.
۵٫ Explain your reasons for choosing your references.
Provide any other information that would aid the Admissions Committee in assessing your application (optional).
Faculty of Arts & Science
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ Academic Excellence / Achievement
List the two most significant academic distinctions you have been awarded (e.g. scholarships, prizes in competitions, etc.)
۲٫ Extracurricular Excellence / Achievement
List up to two major extracurricular activities that you have pursued at the school, community or provincial level. Include the average number of hours spent per week and the number of years you have been involved.
۳٫ Commitment
List up to two examples of your long-term commitment to an activity (e.g. music, athletic achievement, family business, volunteer work). Include the average number of hours spent per week and the number of years you have been involved.
۴٫ Leadership
List up to two examples of activities in which you assumed a leadership role (e.g. extracurricular, volunteer, business/work activities).
Include the average:
• number of hours spent per week and
• number of years you have been involved.
۵٫ In 250 words or less [about 1700 characters with spaces], describe how your interests, experiences, and capabilities will allow you to participate in and contribute to the Queen's community.
۶٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address found at www.queensu.ca/admission/contact us. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
Faculty of Applied Science
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ List the most significant academic distinctions that you have earned (e.g. scholarships, prizes in competitions).
۲٫ Describe your most significant extracurricular activities.
۳٫ List any extracurricular achievements or awards.
۴٫ Describe some meaningful experience, not necessarily related to engineering, which has significance for you. [200 words or less, about 1300 characters with spaces or less]
۵٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address listed at www.queensu.ca/admission/contactus. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
Bachelor of Fine Art Program
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ Art Education (Please specify previous types of Art Education including Art History)
۲٫ Outline your experience in the following areas: (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, other media)
۳٫ Please specify other personal interests, activities, etc.
۴٫ Please review the Queen's website information on the BFA program and tell us why you wish to study Art at Queen's.
۵٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address listed at www.queensu.ca/admission/contactus. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
International Study Centre
Personal Statement of Experience.
In 250 words or less [about 1650 characters with spaces or less], please list and describe what you feel are the 3 most significant non-academic activities you are regularly involved in. Briefly describe your involvement and why you feel it is significant.
In 250 words or less [about 1650 characters with spaces or less], please explain why you think adding an international experience to your education is important, and how you feel the ISC in particular will help you reach your personal, academic, and professional goals.
If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address found at. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
School of Music
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ Musical Background (please complete all that apply)
• Major Instrument or Voice Type
• Number of Years of Private Instruction
• Name of Teacher(s)
• Secondary Instrument/Voice
• Most recent Conservatory Exams Passed on your instrument/voice
• Piano Experience, including Conservatory Exams passed
• Theory Background, including Conservatory Exams passed
Please submit copies of all Conservatory Exam Certificates to the School of Music before your audition (if applicable).
۲٫ Academic Background
• High School Attended
• Address
• Latest Overall Average
• List of final year courses
Transfer students please add
• Institution attended
• Program
۳٫ Other Musical Activities
Performing (solo and ensemble), teaching, composing/arranging, etc.
۴٫ Briefly describe your motivation to pursue a professional music program and specifically how studying music at Queen's will help you achieve your goals.
۵٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address at www.queensu.ca/admission/contactus. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
Law Faculty
Personal Statement.
All applicants must submit a personal statement with their OLSAS application. The personal statement can be used to complement material included in the autobiographical sketch. Applicants to the Access sub-categories should use the personal statement to address the basis of their sub-category claim and provide corroboration of these circumstances through relevant supporting documentation. Part-time studies applicants should outline in the personal statement the reasons for wanting to study part-time. The personal statement must be authored entirely by the applicant and must not exceed 8,000 characters in length.
If you are not claiming admission through the Access category, but there are circumstances that adversely affected your performance in a particular course, a particular term or even a particular year, please detail them in the personal statement. These circumstances include (but are not limited to) illness, involvement in varsity or professional sports, family obligations during periods of study, tragedy or other unfortunate events that affected portions of your academic program. These circumstances are meant to be more particular, more time-limited and less systemic than the circumstances supporting an Access category claim. The Admissions Committee finds the personal statement to be helpful in distinguishing applicants who are competitive on the basis of grades and LSAT scores.
School of Nursing
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ List any post-secondary academic institutions and the years attended.
۲٫ List any part- or full-time employment and major job responsibilities you have had.
۳٫ List any awards or distinctions you have won (e.g. community citations, scholarship, subject prizes, and competitions).
۴٫ List any major roles you have assumed while at your school or post-secondary institution (e.g. in student government, the arts, athletics), or have assumed since leaving school. Include any major roles undertaken with community groups, organizations, or in your family.
۵٫ Do you wish to be considered under the Aboriginal Admission Process? Yes No An aboriginal person is defined as Indian (status or non-status), Metis or Inuit.
۶٫ Outline your reasons for wanting to study at Queen’s.
۷٫ Outline your reasons for wanting to study Nursing.
۸٫ Describe any particular skills or qualities you possess.
۹٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address found at www.queensu.ca/admission/contactus. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
Concurrent Teacher Education Program
Personal Statement of Experience.
۱٫ Briefly list in point form the teaching, teaching-related or life experiences that you identify as preparing you to be an educator. Include the location, duration, age group, and nature of your responsibilities. [800 words or less, about 4,300 characters with spaces]
۲٫ In paragraph form, describe how your experiences have prepared you to be an educator who is reflective, collaborative, concerned with social justice, caring and inclusive. Link you contributions specifically to your experiences. Indicate how the knowledge you have gained through your experiences will help you to contribute as a teacher and learner in today’s schools. [800 words or less, about 4,300 characters with spaces]
۳٫ If there are any factors that clearly demonstrate significant extenuating circumstances, beyond your control, which have affected your academic performance over the past two years, please mail a separate statement along with supporting documentation to the address found at www.queensu.ca/admission/contactus. Your reference number must appear on all correspondence.
[accordion title=”Universite De Montreal, Canada”]
Universite De Montreal Post Graduate Application
Doctoral Programs
Research Proposal.
present an outline for a research project: foreign students should explain their projects as precisely as possible in order to check if a research director is available as early as possible.
[accordion title=”University of British Columbia, Canada”]
University of British Columbia Graduate Application
Statement of Intent.
Most programs will require you to write a “Statement of Intent” or similar essay describing your academic interests and how you’d intend to pursue them in the graduate program at UBC. This is a very important part of your application, and is weighed heavily by most graduate programs. Be sure to state as clearly as possible what you are interested in studying and why UBC is the best place for you to do it.
Tip: Have a knowledgeable person read a preliminary draft of your statement to be sure you are coming across with clarity, accuracy and enthusiasm.
Reference Forms.
Reference forms should be given to three referees who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications. Reference letters on referee's official letterhead may also be acceptable to some programs. Some graduate programs may require more than three references. Please consult the individual graduate program's web site to find out the required number and format of references to be submitted.
For a reference document to be considered official, the document and the envelope's seal must be signed by the referee. Reference documents must be returned directly to the relevant program in sealed and endorsed envelopes.
If you are submitting an online application, some programs will accept electronic references through the online application system, in which case a paper version is not required.
[accordion title=”University of Ottawa, Canada”]
University Of Ottawa Post Graduate Application
Law School - Personal Statement.
The personal statement each candidate must prepare is a critical part of the application and should be thought of as an interview with the Admissions Committee. In addition to explaining why you are interested in law studies, and why you are specifically interested in the University of Ottawa, you should use the personal statement to outline your personal and professional achievements, interests, community work and any other factors you feel are relevant to your application.
Medical School - Personal Statement.
Formal education
Outline the formal education that has prepared you for the study of medicine. Indicate with a check in the appropriate boxes, and complete the blanks pertinent to your educational program(s). Do not include one-year BEd programs in this section.
Specify your education level during employment, ie: 1st year of university. Indicate if the employment was during the summer or academic year, part-time or full-time, the hours per week and the number of years. Note your title and briefly describe your responsibilities.
Volunteer activities
Specify your education level, ie: 1st year of university. Indicate if the activity was during the summer or academic year, the hours per week and the number of years. Provide the location where the volunteer work took place and briefly describe your responsibilities.
Extracurricular activities
Specify your education level, ie: 1st year of university. Indicate if the activity was during the summer or academic year, the hours per week and the number of years. Indicate the type of activity: individual activity, team activity or club activity (ie sports, arts, music, student governments, personal activities such as camping etc) For sports activities, indicate at which level you performed: recreational, varsity, intramural, provincial, national or international.
Awards and accomplishments
These may include: Dean's list, university entrance scholarships, etc. Specify when they were received ie: 1st year of university, and the duration.
Specify your education level, ie: 1st year of university and the title of the project. Indicate the type of publications: paper, abstract and presentation at a scientific meeting etc., accepted or published with a reference, but not submitted or in preparation.
[accordion title=”University of Toronto, Canada”]
University Of Toronto Post Graduate Application
School of Nursing
Personal Statement.
Please write a brief essay (up to 500 words) that addresses the following issues. Your personal statement will be reviewed with attention to content and writing style. Please address the following:
۱٫ What motivates you to become a nurse?
۲٫ What specific area of nursing interests you and why?
۳٫ What skills and interests do you have that make you a good candidate?
Faculty of Law
Personal Statement.
The personal statement is part of the OLSAS application. As the Admissions Committee conducts no interviews, the personal statement is an applicant's opportunity to outline those features of the application which distinguish the applicant. The content of the personal statement is not prescribed. However applicants are encouraged to use te personal statement to share their "story" with the Admissions Committee. Applicants may wish to outline in the personal statement such things as their choice of undergraduate program and institution; the extent to which it has prepared them for the study of law; and if appropriate, any anomalies in the academic record including false starts, fewer than five courses over two terms, and introductory courses taken in the third or fourth years of a program.
The personal statement is also an opportunity for applicants to highlight their non-academic accomplishments as well as any circumstances which may have contributed to or detracted from their academic and non-academic success, such as the response to disadvantage due to adverse personal or socio-economic circumstances or to barriers faced by cultural (including racial or ethnic) or linguistic minorities; and the impact of temporary or permanent physical disabilities. Applicants may want to write to the Committee about the different ways they see themselves contributing to the law school and legal community.
Mature applicants are required to submit a personal statement and a detailed resume of their work and other experience including current position or status. Aboriginal applicants are requested to outline in their personal statements their interest in, identification with, and connection to their communities.
[accordion title=”University Of Waterloo, Canada”]
University Of Waterloo Under Graduate Application
Personal Information.
۱٫ Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. Note: If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program.
۲٫ Please describe or list any extracurricular activities or areas of significant interest. These could include leadership or participation in school organizations or projects, athletics, travel, community, social activities, personal hobbies, and/or volunteer work.
۳٫ Please list your most significant part-time or full-time employment in the past 2 years, beginning with the most recent. Note: If you have been away from school or university for more than 2 years, in addition to completing this form please mail a résumé to the Registrar's Office.
۴٫ If you have received any academic or non-academic awards or distinctions please list them below.
۵٫ Are there any issues or circumstances (e.g., medical, personal, or financial) that may have affected your academic record? If YES, please describe below. We are also particularly interested in the following issues: repeated courses; a marked rise or drop in grades in one or more subjects; sudden changes in performance; apparent shifts in academic goals.
۶٫ For Ontario high school students only: Have you completed or are you currently enrolled in any Grade 11 or Grade 12 courses other than those offered by your conventional day school, e,g., night school, correspondence, summer school, etc.? If YES, please list below.
۷٫ In addition to the specific information requested in the above questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application.
[accordion title=”University of Western Ontario, Canada”]
University of Western Ontario Under Graduate Application
Personal Statement.
The personal statement for General category applicants allows candidates to expand on information in the application and to identify academic strengths and other achievements. The personal statement also provides the opportunity to outline the choice of undergraduate program and its preparation for the study of law and to explain the applicant’s interest in the study of law. The ability to excel in a non-academic area may reflect characteristics that allow the Admissions Committee to predict success in legal studies.
[accordion title=”University of Windsor, Canada”]
University of Windsor Graduate Application
Department of Biological Sciences
Statement of Research Interests.
Please indicate your specific areas of interest:
Indicate if there is a specific research topic on which you would like to work:
Please list the names of members of the Department with whom you have corresponded about graduate research:
Give the reasons why you wish to engage in graduate studies, and your ultimate objectives. Please describe the type of research that you would like to undertake and why you wish to enrol at the University of Windsor. (Continue on the reverse of this page, if necessary.)
Note: It is essential that this response be composed entirely by the applicant.
Environmental Science (GLIER-Supplemental Application)
Statement of Research Interests.
List publications (including those submitted or in press), reports and oral presentations.
List any research, teaching or job experience in your proposed area of study.
Attach a letter of intent that clearly outlines your interest in the program, your proposed focus of study and your prospective supervisor. The applicant must write this letter himself/herself.
Attach any other relevant information that you wish the Graduate Committee to consider in their review of this application.
Faculty of Nursing
Narrative Statement of Program Interest.
Please attach a statement of up to 400 words discussing: your reasons for seeking graduate education; how your clinical and research interests fit with the program area of focus you have selected; your professional and educational goals subsequent to achieving a Master's degree in nursing; and any other pertinent information relative to your application.
To the Referee:
۱٫ How long and how well have you known the applicant? What is the relationship?
۲٫ Please rate the applicant relative to other students or employees in recent years.
۳٫ In the space below or in a separate letter, please add any comments that will assist in providing a complete picture of the applicant's abilities and potential. Please attach a statement of up to 400 words discussing: your reasons for seeking graduate education; how your clinical and research interests fit with the program
[accordion title=”York University, Canada”]
York University Graduate Application
Statement of Research Interests.
In addition to meeting all Faculty and program-specific requirements, mature applicants must provide a resumé and a one- or two-page letter. The letter should outline your:
* reasons for wanting to attend university;
* future career goals;
* skills and activities that have prepared you for success at university, including work or volunteer experience, professional development activities, personal study and interests; and,
* explanations/documentation for any previous poor academic performance.
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مرکز ترجمه و نگارش محتوای Trans24 با تکیه بر دانش و مهارت کارشناسان خبره خود در زمینه نگارش متون SOP و CV، آمادگی ارائه خدمات متمایز برای پذیرش حتمی شما در دانشگاه مورد نظرتان را دارد
ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا | ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهنان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا |ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا ترجمه مقاله | ترجمه متن | نگارش انگیزه نامه | نگارش SOP | ملزومات SOP برخی از دانشگاه های مختلف جهان: کانادا
salam,zemne tashakor az matalebe mofidetan dar morede daneshgah haye Canada,agar baraye shoma emkan darad ,dar bareye paziresh az daneshgah ya college haye Qubec Canada ke zabane morede nazar French mibashad,matalrbi dar site gharar dahid,manzore man inast ke ba dashtan madrake DELF A2 ya DELF B1 mitavan baraye Quebec eghdam kard